Thursday, September 26, 2013

Classmate Response: Florida Boy Finds Ancient Canoe While Scuba Diving

      Skye Spalding's blog recently had a post critiquing an article about a seven year old boy who found a canoe. Skye does well in pointing out that the article isn't completely newsworthy, saying that it doesn't impact a lot of people for a long period of time. After reading the article, I definitely saw her point. While it was sort of interesting, it didn't have any information that would affect many people. If the canoe was anything that potentially significant historically, it would have been important. However, it was just a plain canoe. The only thing of interest was that it is being tested to see what type of wood it is made from and how old it is. Whatever information is determined will still not have any lasting effect. Skye showed this very well. I did have one critique, which is that she failed to include the link to the original story in her blog post. The link is, however, in the comments of that post.

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