Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Class Review and Response: Magazine Innovations

          Magazines weren't always the glamorous, glossy-paged things filled with celebrities and fashion that they are now. While the very creatively titled General Magazine back in 1741 and the Saturday Evening Post in 1821 were not what we are used to today, but these early magazines did bring many innovations that are still used now.

National Media
     Magazines were the first ever national media. This created the idea that one media could be spread and used nationally.

Investigative Reporting
     Also known as "muckraking", investigative reporting was an all new way of going about reporting that included the reporter scraping through personal information with the goal of finding some sort of scandal or story. It is a strong aspect of watchdog journalism that both serves the people and makes lots of money.
This is an example of photojournalism; you can
clearly see what's going on without an article to
explain it. Instead of just being an illustration, the
picture in itself is the story. [X]

          Magazines introduced the idea of using a picture and caption rather than an entire article to tell a story. National geographic was the first group to really get involved in using photojournalism. Now, many people, including newspapers, use photojournalism.

     Personality Profiles
          Personality profiles are detailed profiles about someone. They are formed through not only talking to the person, but also to others who know them. This offers multiple perspectives when trying to go in depth.

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