Alyssa's blog recently featured a media critique that reprimanded the WLKY news station for their lack of news--in multiple ways. She not only mentions the absurd amount of time that is spent in a thirty minute show with just advertising. With so many breaks, there is only twenty minutes left available for news. Between five to ten minutes of this, Alyssa claims, is spent on sports and weather.
She also explains that the news that is actually featured in the news is not even good, relevant news. She elaborates by providing details about the David Camm murder trials--which we all know by now has been made to seem far more important than it is.
I agree with all of Alyssa's points. However, her argument could have been made stronger if she had told which principles or yardsticks of journalism were violated by her station. Another thing I noticed was some sort of typo, where she ends a sentence abrubtly and with no punctuation before continuing with her next paragraph.
She trails off in the middle of a sentence, which is something that no blog should ever
“That’s part of what I like about the book in some ways. It portrays death truthfully. You die in the middle of your life, in the middle of a sentence”